![]() We are in the middle of an Obesity Epidemic. According to a recent article in the New York Times, "Children will be entering adulthood heavier than they've ever been at any time in human history." According to 2012 Obesity statistics, 35.7% of the U.S. population is considered obese. In the U.S. it has been said we live in the "land of plenty." For many Americans, they have taken this to the excess and created an unhealthy body that is overweight and adopted a sedentary lifestyle. For those of us that are involved in the Martial Arts, at least we are breaking out of the sedentary lifestyle. However, that is only half the quest to being healthy and physically fit. Although I am not a nutritionists, I have researched and recently experimented in a nutrition test. My nutrition test was a simple lifestyle change that I decided to try, orginally, for 60 days. The goal was to see if I could lose weight, improve my over all health and increase my energy level without changing anything but a few simple foods. The foods that I focused on limiting from my diet I've dubbed, "The Three White Deaths." They are: Sugar, White Flour and Dairy. Granted, these are comfort foods and the most easily accessible in the American diet. I decided rather than eliminating them completely, that I would refrain from ingesting them six days a week. On the seventh day, usually a Saturday, it was "dieters gone wild" day. On DGW day, I would eat as many of the forbidden foods as my body could stand and actually made myself a little sick. During the rest of the week my diet consisted of lean protein, vegetables and beans. Fruit was also restricted due to the high natural sugar content. A typical breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, black beans and mixed vegetables with a douse of hot sauce. Snacks were raw nuts, like almonds, lean beef jerky and carrots. Dinners were lean meats, veggies and beans. The results? At the end of sixty days, I had lost 22 pounds, my skin was smoother, my hair shinier, my energy level at an all-time high and I felt great! I had a physical check up before and after the 60 days. My blood pressure and cholesterol was in even healthier, normal levels. My HGH (the good cholesterol) had especially improved. My physician asked what I had been doing, I told her and she said, "keep it up!" It was so successful, that I have continued this lifestyle change. It's become a way of life for me. Oh, and my best friend also has participated in this. She lost 52 pounds! We both agreed that reducing (or eliminating) the three white deaths has been a healthy choice for us. You can learn more about this topic from these resources: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2007/04/06/how-to-lose-20-lbs-of-fat-in-30-days-without-doing-any-exercise/ For those of you who love your dairy, you can experience similar results by just eliminating the sugar and flour: http://www.livestrong.com/article/287568-no-flour-no-sugar-diet-plan/ http://noflour-nosugar-works.webs.com/ * I am not financially benefiting by promoting these links. Always check with your physician before beginning any diet changes.
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AuthorVashon Borich-Leach, Sensei teaches traditional karate and tai chi in Branson, Missouri. She considers herself a life-time student of the arts. Her blog is an open journal of lessons learned in the martial arts. If you are a martial artist and would like to contribute to her blog please contact her. Archives
May 2023
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